South Africa
Permanent member
Dr. Estelle Razanatsoa is a Malagasy palaeoecologist undertaking postdoctoral research at the University of Cape Town (South Africa). With special interests in biodiversity conservation of semi-arid and arid ecosystems, she is currently assessing the role of climate and human on dry and spiny forests in western Madagascar. Through her research, she always aims to propose and implement sustainable management and conservation of the wonderful biodiversity of her home country. Estelle is a wife and a mother who loves spending time with her husband and son. When time allows, she reads books and articles on subjects different from her research focus. A permanent member of Ikala STEM and one of the project leaders of the IkalaSTEM Annual Workshop first edition (IAW17) and an upcoming project titled STEM LAMPS (both organised by Ikala STEM chapter South Africa), Estelle is hoping to share her passion for research and science to younger generations in Madagascar. She would like also to encourage girls and convey to them the message that having a family is not a barrier to your dreams and hopes, what matter is your willingness to do what it takes to realise them.
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